Workshop: Integrating EEG and neuronavigated TMS techniques
Join our Brain Products Academy workshop “Integrating EEG and neuronavigated TMS techniques” in Milan, Italy on September 27-29, 2023. In this workshop we offer you the opportunity to learn how to integrate EEG & TMS, collect navigated TMS-EEG data and pre-process TMS-evoked potentials using customized Python scripts. On the first day (which is free of charge), in addition to an on-site workshop, we will offer a livestream of the event for those unable to attend in person.
The following two days of the workshop will be on-site only. Here, you will be able to actively participate in hands-on nTMS-EEG sessions, during which you will collect data from healthy volunteers. In addition, after providing an overview of data pre-processing, we will enable you to analyze collected data yourself. These practical sessions will be accompanied by a comprehensive description of the nTMS-EEG methodology, of the several functional measures that can be computed from nTMS-EEG data, and of a multiscale overview linking non-invasive measures of cortical reactivity to neuronal events. Attendance on days 2-3 requires a ticket. Sign up soon to reserve one of the limited number of tickets available.
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- Recording Available: