Recorder scientific view for acceleration signal visualization

Recorder “scientific view” has been designed to enable real time visualization of both EEGClosed Electroencep- halography signals and peripheral electrophysiological signals, which are significantly different in terms of timing and amplitude, when recorded simultaneously.

Due to the different characteristics of the acceleration signal compared to EEG we suggest that this channel is visualized online by using the scientific view in BrainVision Recorder ( Figure 33 ): once you start monitoring/recording you can activate the scientific view by right-clicking on the channel name(s) and selecting "Display this channel in a new tab". You will be able to adjust the visualized amplitude and time axes (as described in the BrainVision Recorder manual, section 10.7).

Figure 33 Online recording of multiple signal types with BrainVision Recorder. Peripheral physiological signals are displayed with Recorder scientific view (tabs on the right). Variations in the peripheral signals can be observed (on the right) only when the vertical and horizontal axes have been rescaled appropriately. Additionally, in order to improve the visualization of single signals in the standard view (on the left), individual scaling factors have been set for each channel. This might be particularly useful for signals acquired from the acceleration sensors, typically characterized by variable amplitude. For more information on how to set individual scaling factors in BrainVision Recorder please refer to the Recorder manual, section 4.3.