MR Sensors

The recommendations provided in this document apply to measurements conducted in MRIClosed Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanners with a static magnetic field strength up to 3T. To guarantee the correct operation of the equipment and the safety of the participant our safety guidelines should be followed; these are available on our website ( and

In the MRClosed Magnetic Resonance environment the BrainAmp ExG MR should only be used together with the ExG AUXClosed Auxiliary Box ( Figure 73 ) and special MR conditional electrodes and sensors ( Figure 74 ). The sensors are MR conditional and must be used outside of the RF transmit field (i.e outside the transmit coil) to minimize the safety risks. Positioning the BrainAmp ExG MR with the ExG AUX box and the PowerPack at the foot end allows routing the cables outside the MR scanner bore and RF transmit field.

Figure 73 The 16-channels BrainAmp ExG MR including the ExG AUX Box for connecting electrodes and sensors

Figure 74 The MR conditional sensors available for measuring peripheral physiology in the MR environment with the BrainAmp ExG MR. A) GSR MR, B) Respiration Belt

Bipolar measurements of EMGClosed Electromyography / Electromyogram and ECGClosed Electrocardiography / Electrocardiogram in the MR environment (an example shown in Figure 75 ) are not covered in this tutorial. For this type of measurement, you can refer to the press release articles available on our website: and

Figure 75 The BrainAmp ExG MR in the recommended position at the foot end of the scanner bed for an EMG recording from the lower limb.