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BV2BIDS: the Brain Products’ solution for organizing your EEG data according to the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)
by Dr.-Ing. Kidist Mideksa
Scientific Consultant (Brain Products)
Are you aiming to standardize and organize your raw EEG data according to the EEG-BIDS standards? Is the EEG data stored in Brain Products’ BrainVision Core Data (BVCD) Format 1.0 (*.eeg, *.vhdr and *.vmrk)? If yes, you are only one step away from achieving your goal.
We are happy to enrich your toolbox with our command line tool (BV2BIDS), that creates the EEG-BIDS folder hierarchy from your BVCD files. With this conversion tool we are continuing our efforts in providing high-quality standards to the neuroscience research community.

BV2BIDS reflects our strong commitment to serve an emerging open science community. As a researcher, you will not only benefit from creating a dataset that is standardized and organized, we also believe that it will ease the means of file sharing in an organized fashion for an overwhelming amount of neuroscience experimental data.
Our tool is free, its source code is freely available on our Github and it is licensed under a modified MIT license. It is portable, provides command line help and is independent of other programming environments (e.g. no need for MATLAB®) or larger software toolboxes. It needs to be executed directly from the command prompt. Our command line tool is a 64-bit application based on the .NET Core environment and its first version is provided for the following Windows versions: Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10 (version 1607+), Windows® 11.