BrainVision Recorder
BrainVision Recorder Licensing Terms
Please read and accept the licensing terms before downloading this file.
The download will start upon accepting the licensing terms by clicking the button below. You can download the licensing terms for your records: [Download not found].
The following terms apply to the provision and use of the computer program “BrainVision Recorder”
developed by Brain Products GmbH (referred to hereinafter as “Brain Products”), the user
documentation (user manual) and any other associated written material as well as all copies,
updates, upgrades and any other additions provided by Brain Products (all of which, together, are
referred to hereinafter as “software”).
Deviating, contrasting or additional terms of the user are not applicable, even if they are known,
unless Brain Products has expressly agreed in writing to their applicability.
The software and any copies of the software made by the user are the intellectual property of Brain
Products and its suppliers. The software is protected by law, in particular by German copyright
legislation. The software may only be used in accordance with these licensing terms.
The software allows to record and analyze physiological signals by using a personal computer. The
software is intended to be used only by scientific or medical professionals as well as trained
personnel, and exclusively for research purposes. The software is not suitable for clinical use and
therefore may not be used for medical purposes such as diagnosis or treatment.
Brain Products does not guarantee that the functions of the software will work in conjunction with
other software products. The requirements to be met by the operating system and hardware are set
out in the product description and user documentation.
The user documentation offers a binding description of the product. The user is not entitled to use
the software other than as described in the user documentation. German- or English-language user
documentation (depending on the choice of the user) is supplied in a printed or printable form,
unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Accompanying services offered by Brain Products, such as installation, introduction to the product,
training, support etc., are not covered by this contract unless this is expressly agreed in writing.
Brain Products grants the user the non-exclusive right to use the software as intended for an
unlimited period in return for the agreed once-only payment.
Brain Products uses a USB dongle for verifying that a user has a license. The dongle stores the license
information and thus controls access to the software. The software can only be used in conjunction
with a dongle. The dongle must be inserted in one of the computer’s USB ports.
If the dongle supplied fails to work, the user can return it to Brain Products and request a
replacement. During the warranty period for defects, the replacement is provided free of charge.
After the warranty period for defects has expired, a lump sum plus shipping costs must be paid.
In the event of theft or loss of the dongle, the user has no right to receive a replacement. Brain
Products reserves the right to lock the licenses stored on the dongle if the user reports its loss.
The user must not reproduce (make copies of) the program unless this is necessary in order to use it.
Necessary copying includes, in particular, the installation of the program from the original data
carrier or after a single download of the software from the homepage of Brain Products on the mass
storage medium of the hardware used and the loading of the software into main memory.
In addition, the user can make one copy for backup purposes. This copy shall be marked as backup
copy. If the user can prove that the original version from the original data carrier can no longer be
found or is unusable, the backup copy replaces the original. In this case the user is alternatively
entitled to download the software once again from the homepage of Brain Products.
Copies must not be made of the user manual or significant parts of it. If the manual is only available
electronically on a data carrier, it can be printed on paper.
The decompilation of the program code provided into other forms of code and any other kind of
reverse engineering of the software are not permissible. The interface information required for
establishing interoperability with an independently created computer program is provided to the
user by Brain Products on request free of charge or in return for a small contribution to cover costs.
It is not permissible to remove or circumvent the program’s dongle routine. The dongle protection
can only be removed or circumvented in order to make the program work if the dongle protection
impairs the program or prevents it from being used, and if Brain Products fails to eliminate this
problem within a reasonable period of time despite the fact that the user has notified Brain Products
in writing, providing as precise a description of the problem as possible. The user must provide Brain
Products with written notification and a written description of this change to the program. If the
dongle protection is impairing or preventing the problem-free use of the software, the burden of
proof lies with the user.
Any other changes to the program, in particular for the purpose of either eliminating faults that are
not dependent on the dongle or adding functionality, are not permissible unless they are made solely
for the user’s own use and will not be exploited commercially in any way. Such changes to the
program may not be provided to commercial third parties who may be in competition with Brain
Products unless Brain Products does not want to make the desired changes to the program in return
for a reasonable payment. Brain Products must be allowed a reasonable period within which to
decide to accept the job.
Copyright marks, serial numbers and other such marks or information that identify the program must
on no account be removed or altered. The same applies to the suppression of the display of such
marks or information on the screen.
The user must ensure that everyone who uses the software as intended complies with the terms of
The user is obliged to take appropriate precautions to prevent unauthorized third parties from
accessing the program and documentation.
The user may dispose of or give away the software, including the user manual and other
accompanying material, to a third party on a permanent basis provided the third party accepts the
terms of this agreement by making a written declaration to Brain Products. If the user passes the
software on to a third party, the user must give the new user the copy that has been made of the
software, including any backup copies, or alternatively destroy them. Having passed the program on
in this way, the original user has no further right to use the program and will completely cease his
use. At the request of Brain Products, the user will confirm in writing that the above measures have
been fully implemented. The user is obliged to provide Brain Products with the name and full address
of the new user in writing.
The user can pass on the software, including the user manual and accompanying material, to a third
party for a limited period, provided it is not rented for commercial purposes or leased to the third
party, provided the third party agrees to the terms of this agreement and makes a declaration to this
effect, and provided the user passing the software on also passes on all copies of the program,
including any backup copies, or destroys any copies not passed on. During the period for which the
software is provided to the third party, the original user has no right to use the program. Rental for
commercial purposes and leasing are not permissible.
The user must not pass the software on to a third party when there are reasons for suspecting that
the third party will violate the terms of this agreement, particularly by making illegal copies of it.
If Brain Products removes program errors by means of bug fixes or updates, Brain Products will make
the relevant part of the program or update available to the user free of charge.
Support will be provided only for the currently valid version of the software that has been improved
by the bug fixes and updates provided.
If the software is further developed in the form of an upgrade for which a charge is made, support
will be provided for the previous version for the period of a year after the release of the new version.
Brain Products exempts the user from any claims that third parties might make against the user as a
result of the violation of protected rights by the software supplied by Brain Products. The
prerequisite for this is that the user must notify Brain Products in writing immediately when a third
party makes a claim, and that any legal disputes, including any settlements out of court, must be left
to Brain Products or only conducted in agreement with Brain Products.
If the user is responsible for violating the protected rights of third parties, it is not possible for the
user to make claims against Brain Products.
If Brain Products is obliged to remedy defects by means of updates or workarounds, the remedy of
defects shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions:
Technical data, specifications and performance data in public statements, in particular in advertising
material, do not constitute quality specifications. The functionality of the software is based on the
description in the user documentation.
Dongle protection is one of the agreed features of the product and does not represent a defect in the
The warranty does not apply to defects caused by the software being used in a hardware and
software environment that does not meet the requirements characterized in the user documentation
or to any changes or modifications made to the software by the user without the prior written
consent of Brain Products or by operation of law. This also applies if the defect is due to improper
operation by the user.
Defects in the software, including the manuals and any other documents, will be eliminated by Brain
Products within the statutory warranty period for defects of two years after delivery following
notification of such defects by the user. The user will have the choice of either free elimination of the
defect (improvement) or delivery of a defect-free copy of the software (replacement delivery). In the
case of a replacement delivery, the user is obliged to return the defective item.
If the defect cannot be eliminated within a reasonable period, or if the improvement of the product
or replacement delivery is regarded as unsuccessful for other reasons, the user can choose to
demand a reduction in the price or withdraw from the agreement and make a claim for losses or for
the reimbursement of costs incurred in vain. Withdrawal from the contract is excluded if the defect is
negligible. Claims for losses and the reimbursement of costs incurred in vain are covered in section 6
of these licensing terms.
It can only be assumed that an improvement or replacement delivery has been unsuccessful in the
following cases: the supplier has been given sufficient opportunity to improve the product or provide
a replacement and failed to achieve the desired success; an improvement or replacement delivery is
impossible; the supplier refuses to improve the product or provide a replacement, or delays doing so
for an unreasonable period of time; there are reasons for doubting there is any prospect of success;
or there are other reasons for this being unreasonable.
The user – unless it is a consumer – is obliged to examine the software supplied for obvious defects
that an average user would be bound to notice. Brain Products must be notified in writing of any
obvious defects, in particular missing data carriers, manuals, or significant, easily visible damage to a
data carrier, within two weeks of delivery. Defects that only become evident subsequently must be
reported to Brain Products in writing within two weeks of their discovery by the user. The notice of
defect must be sent before this period expires. If the user fails to fulfill the obligation to examine the
software or notify Brain Products of a defect, the software is considered to be approved despite the
The right of the user to have a defect eliminated is excluded if the defect is not reproducible or
cannot be demonstrated using outputs from the screen or handwritten copies of those outputs.
The liability for defects does not extend to programs or program components that have been altered
or added to by the user, unless the user can show that these changes or additions have not caused
the defect.
Claims for losses or for the reimbursement of costs incurred in vain are made – whatever the legal
basis – in accordance with this clause.
Brain Products is not liable for itself, for its representatives or subcontractors, unless the life, body or
health of another person were injured intentionally or negligently; essential contractual obligations
(cardinal obligations) were violated intentionally or negligently). Essential contractual obligations are
those whose fulfilment is necessary to achieve the objective of these licensing terms and which
protect material legal positions arising from this of these licensing terms.
In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, Brain Products and the user shall only be
liable for the foreseeable damage typical of the contract if this was caused by slight negligence,
unless it is a matter of injury to life, body or health, or if they have intentionally or grossly negligently
breached non-material contractual obligations. In addition, the Brain Products and the user shall be
liable to the extent that mandatory statutory liability regulations exist.
Brain Products is entitled to withdraw from these licensing terms if the user, his legal representatives
or subcontractors violate his rights of use. In this case, the user must return the entire software to
Brain products. If a backup copy has been made or copies have been made within the scope of copy
licenses, these must be destroyed immediately. Contract software installed on the user’s hardware
must be deleted immediately. The destruction and deletion must be proven in writing to Brain
Products upon first request and must be affirmed in lieu of oath upon written request.
No tacit, oral or written ancillary agreements were made. Additional agreements, amendments and
supplements to these licensing terms and to the respective individual agreements or bookings shall
only be effective if they are agreed in writing at or after conclusion of these licensing terms and are
expressly referred to as additional agreements, amendments or supplements. This shall also apply to
an amendment to this written form clause. Electronic documents in text form do not fulfil the written
form requirement. The above written form requirement does not apply to an individual contractual
agreement between the parties.
If Brain Products uses additional other General Terms and Conditions that conflict with these
licensing terms, the provisions of this licensing terms shall prevail over the General Terms and
The user can only make a counterclaim if it is uncontested or recognized as having legal force.
The user can only exercise a right of retention if the user’s counterclaim is based on the same
contractual relationship.
If the user is a merchant, public law entity or separate estate under public law, or if the user has no
general legal venue in the country, the exclusive legal venue for all disputes arising from the contract
is Munich, Germany. Brain Products is also entitled to take legal action at any other legal venue.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany is applicable, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
The English-language version of these licensing terms is the authoritative version.
Should current or future provisions of these licensing terms be wholly or partially invalid or lose their
legal validity or enforceability later, the validity of the remaining provisions of these licensing terms
shall not be affected. The Brain Products and the user shall try to find an effective provision in place
of the invalid provision that comes closest to the economic meaning of the invalid provision.
If, during the term of these licensing terms, the economic, legal and competitive conditions
underlying these licensing terms, on which the provisions of these licensing terms are based, change
significantly and affect a change in the contractual relationship between Brain Products and the user,
Brain Products and the user will discuss the consequences of such a change with each other and
adapt the contract to the changed conditions. The party asserting the reasons for the change must
explain them to the other party.
July 31st 2019, Brain Products GmbH
Upon accepting the licensing terms, the BrainVision Recorder software download will automatically start. Please note, depending on your connection speed, the download may take some time.
This patch is intended for users of previous versions of Analyzer and Recorder. It resolves the same security issue as the latest software installer (see BrainVision Recorder 1.27.0001 - Release Notes ) without updating the software itself. This means that the software version remains unchanged, and any ongoing study or analysis can rightfully be stated as carried out with the user’s current version of the software. Please contact support in case of questions.
Please note:
- The .zip-files contain all necessary hardware driver updates.
- If you have a license for the BrainVision Video Recorder, also install the latest version of BrainVision Video Recorder (included in the .zip file and below)
- If you are using BrainVision Recorder in combination with the actiCAP ControlSoftware, make sure to always have the latest version of the actiCAP ControlSoftware installed.
- When using a LiveAmp amplifier and recording to memory card, make sure to also download and install the LiveAmp File Converter.
Please note: this component is automatically installed together with the current version of BrainVision Recorder.
Download the current version
Note: Brain Vision Video Recorder 1.03 requires BrainVision Recorder 1.26 or higher. The zip file includes the video codec.
BrainVision Video Recorder 1.03.0002 BrainVision Video Recorder 1.03.0002 - Release NotesDownload the previous version
Note: Brain Vision Video Recorder 1.02 requires BrainVision Recorder 1.25.0000 or higher. The zip file includes the video codec.
BrainVision Video Recorder 1.02 BrainVision Video Recorder 1.02 - Release NotesThe current version of the Remote Control Client/Server for BrainVision Recorder is available here. The zip file contains:
- Remote Control Server (RCS) and Remote Control Client (RCC) Installation
- Source-Code for Remote Control Client
- User Manual
Further details can be found in these newsletter articles and in this resource on Experiment Control.
You can also find a MATLAB RCS client on our MATLAB File Exchange account.
Remote Control Server 2 (RCS) for BrainVision Recorder – Current version
Remote Control Server 2.1.0 for BrainVision Recorder Remote Control Server 2.1.0 for BrainVision Recorder - Release NotesRDA Clients
With RDA (Remote Data Access) Clients you can remotely access BrainVision Recorder for transferring data from BrainVision Recorder to other programs located on the local computer or on computers in the network. Please read the BrainVision Recorder 1.27 - User Manual for general information on RDA and how to use the RDA clients.
RDA Client for MATLAB
Find examples of MATLAB-based RDA clients on our MATLAB File Exchange account.
RDA Client for C#
RDA Client for C# RDA Client for C# - InfoProgramming language used: C#
Compiler required: C# compiler from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 4)
RDA Client for Python
RDA Client for Python RDA Client for Python - InfoProgramming language used: Python 3
RDA Client for C++ (IEEE Float Data)
RDA Client for C++ (IEEE Float Data) RDA Client for C++ (IEEE Float Data) - InfoProgramming language used: C++
Compiler required: C++ compiler from Microsoft Visual Studio Version 7.1
RDA Client for C++ (Integer Data)
RDA Client for C++ (Integer Data) RDA Client for C++ (Integer Data) - InfoProgramming language used: C++
Compiler required: C++ compiler from Microsoft Visual Studio Version 7.1
Additional tutorials that don’t require a registered account are available in Support & Resources and in our newsletter.
Brain Products license files
You may need an additional license file if using an older version of BrainVision RecView or Recorder.
BrainVision Recorder is protected by a USB key. For the Sentinel HASP dongle technology (used since 2013) add-on licenses are stored directly on the USB key. For these, no additional license file is required.
Older dongles need an additional file
Older dongles, however, used a different technology. In this case, the licenses for additional functionality must be provided in so-called “sub-licenses.” These sub-licenses must be installed using a BrainVision license file. To do that, the license file has to be executed on every local installation of the software following these instructions.
How do I know if I need a license file?
To check whether the add-on licenses are recognized, navigate to Help > About in BrainVision Recorder to see whether Add-on licenses are listed.
You can download the license file for BrainVision Recorder Video, RecView or RecView MR correction here.
Need further assistance?
For further questions about these solutions, please contact our Technical Support team indicating the number printed on your dongle.
Need help?
For further information on any support related issue, please contact our Technical Support team.
To ensure the best support, please mention your dongle number in software-related enquiries.