This file contains demo data consisting of three auditory evoked potential datasets.
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How do you spot an expert ICA user? Well, it would seem that an expert has the ability to tell at a glance: “This IC is clearly a myogen artifact, this IC is eye-activity and this one looks like a real EEG.”
This leads us to the question: how do you become an Expert ICA user?
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This article demonstrate the MATLAB® transform interface, giving you some useful tricks including the MATLAB code that allows you to explore your data with a t-test.
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In this article we present three typical examples of how the new features of Edit Channels transformation in BrainVision Analyzer 2 facilitate your daily analysis.
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The ABE formalism uses logical operators and predefined functions to effectively perform conditional segmentation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. It is especially useful when segmentation relative to a marker depends on its temporal location...
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Today I am going to show how quickly a new method can be added to Analyzer using the Matlab Transformation. Analyzer offers an exciting possibility to export your data to Matlab, do some calculations there and import the results back to Analyzer in order to continue your work in its user friendly environment.
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The new export function Create New Dataset available in Analyzer 2.0.3. makes the creation of new datasets out of present history nodes much easier.
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