Our Story

Our story begins in 1997 when Brain Products was founded by Alexander Svojanovsky and Henning Nordholz. At that time, they revolutionized the neurophysiology market with the initial release of the BrainVision Analyzer software, the world’s first convenient and automated Windows-based EEG and ERP analysis software. BrainVision Analyzer quickly became a worldwide success. In 2006, Dr. Achim Hornecker took Henning Nordholz’s place as the managing director of development and supervised the successful development of Analyzer 2.0, which was completely rewritten to reflect the continuously developing needs of our customers. Still today, it remains one of our flagship products and is used by thousands of labs worldwide.


Brain Products Medical Technology (Shenzhen) founded in China
Product launched: Mindtooth
Product launched: X.on
Distributor network grows to serve more than 60 countries worldwide
Products launched: R-Net MR & TurboLink
Brain Products Academy launched
Tobii Pro eye trackers added to Brain Products portfolio
Products launched: BrainCap MR with Carbon Wire Loops
CGX Quick System added to Brain Products portfolio
Brain Products Asia founded in Singapore to support the APAC region distributor network
New General Managers: Pierluigi Castellone & Dr. Manfred Jaschke
Products launched: actiCHamp Plus
Products launched: R-Net & actiCAP slim
Brain Products Italia founded to serve Italy
Brain Vision Solutions founded to serve Canada
Brain Products UK founded to serve the United Kingdom & Ireland
Products launched: LiveAmp
Products launched: actiCAP Xpress & CapTrak
Distributor network grows to serve more than 45 countries worldwide
Products launched: actiCHamp & MOVE
Distributor network grows to serve over 30 countries worldwide
Software released: BrainVision Analyzer 2
Product launched: actiCAP active electrode system
Software released: BrainVision RecView
Products launched: BrainAmp ExG and BrainAmp ExG MR
Brain Vision LLC founded to serve North America
Products launched: USB 2 Adapter, BrainAmp MR plus & BrainAmp DC
Distributor network grows to serve over 20 countries worldwide
Software released: BrainVision Recorder
Products launched: BrainAmp Standard & BrainAmp MR
Software released: BrainVision Analyzer
Brain Products founded by Alexander Svojanovsky & Henning Nordholz
EEG animation

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